Alexander Rutherford Scholarship 2023/2024 Requirement

Alexander Rutherford Scholarship
Alexander Rutherford Scholarship

The Alexander Rutherford Scholarship is an academic award given to Alberta high school students based on exceptional academic standing. Named after Alexander Rutherford, former Premier of Alberta, this scholarship commemorates student excellence and contributions.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident, or have refugee status in Canada.
  • A minimum of three years spent in Alberta high schools (from grades 10 to 12) make applicants eligible for the scholarship.
  • A minimum combined average score of at least 75% has been achieved across five chosen subjects over grades ten, eleven, and twelve.
  • Enrollment in a post-secondary institution in Alberta must happen at most two years following high school graduation.

Note: Satisfying eligibility criteria might not guarantee you a scholarship because additional factors like funding matter, too.

Application Process

To apply for the scholarship, eligible students must:

  1. Send an official transcript from their high school with all available grade 12 marks.
  2.  Complete the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship Application form found on the official website.
  3.  Please supply any extra documents requested, including evidence of Canadian citizenship or residency.

The Alexander Rutherford Scholarship usually has an application deadline after high school graduation in the spring. For the most up-to-date information, be sure to check the official scholarship website.

Benefits of the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship

Successful recipients of the scholarship can receive funding of up to:

  • For students with a GPA of 80% or more, there is a $2,500 incentive.
  • $1,500 for students with an average between 75% and 79.9%.

Scholarship funds can cover textbooks and living costs, as well as tuition fees for post-secondary education.

Renewal and Continuing Eligibility

The Alexander Rutherford Scholarship can be renewed for up to three additional years, subject to the following conditions:

  • Keep your enrollment at an approved post-secondary school active.
  • Maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA in the first year and a minimum 2.3 GPA in subsequent years.

Criteria for renewal might change. For the most recent information, students should review the official scholarship guidelines.

Does the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship have a minimum GPA requirement for eligibility?

To be eligible for the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship in Alberta, Canada, students need a minimum GPA of 75% in high school courses. The scholarship has different tiers based on GPA:

  • Students in the Achievement Tier are required to keep their GPA between 75% and 79.9%.
  • A GPA between 80% and 89.9% is mandatory for the Proficiency Tier.
  • To be part of the Excellence Tier, students need a GPA of 90% or above.

Is it possible for students planning out-of-province post-secondary institutions to apply for the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship?

The Alexander Rutherford Scholarship is available for out-of-province students planning to attend post-secondary institutions. Alberta students can apply for the scholarship to attend eligible post-secondary institutions inside or outside of the province. The scholarship eligibility criteria do not restrict students by institution choice but include residency requirements and academic achievement.

Eligibility criteria for the Alexander Rutherford Scholarship for the 2023/2024 academic year

The Alexander Rutherford Scholarship eligibility criteria for the 2023/2024 academic year vary according to your province of residence. However, here are some general criteria that typically apply:

  1. Residency: Those applying must call Alberta, Canada home.
  2. Grade Achievement: Candidates in Alberta should have finished Grades 10, 11, or 12 to apply.
  3. Academic Achievement: Applicants must have an average of at least 75% in three approved high school courses. The variety of courses might change depending on the province.
  4. Enrollment: Applicants can only be considered if they sign up for a suitable post-secondary program within two years of finishing high school.
  5. Financial Need: This scholarship often does not base its decisions on financial need.

What is the cap on funding for scholarships through the Alexander Rutherford program?

The Alexander Rutherford Scholarship awards up to $2,500 annually.



The Alexander Rutherford Scholarship is an ideal opportunity for high-achieving Alberta high school students to receive funding for their post-secondary education. Students who meet eligibility requirements and submit a complete application have the opportunity to gain a prestigious scholarship and set themselves on a successful academic path.

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